Teachers all over the country are trying to find ways to add the government’s ‘British values’ to their lessons. The British values are: democracy the rule of law individual liberty mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith
Integration: We Think We Might Have Found The Answer!
What makes a Briton and a ‘British value’ is the thorniest of issues, but whether we agree with current government policy or not, we can agree that speaking English is a key entry point for anyone who is to integrate within the United Kingdom today. That’s why, amid the cries back and forth over the […]
The British Response to Refugees – The Better Side of Us
In the midst of a painful week, the tragic death of MP Jo Cox, the senseless loss of life in Orlando, football violence around the Euros and the caustic nature of the referendum debate it is important to think on the good and righteous acts of individuals.
Tell me anything and I’ll show you how it’s health!
Much of the activity of faith-based organisations contributes to health and wellbeing. However, commissioners and health and social care professionals don’t always understand this, and faith-based practitioners often don’t recognise it themselves. I have to admit I do like to watch the odd romantic comedy, and like any firm funny film there is often a […]