Just so you know this piece will end with an ask, a call to action. It won’t be hard, complicated, or academic. It’s an ordinary ask… but just make sure you don’t miss it! Logical, simple answers to problems and obvious observations are always worth making. You see, it is really easy to make sophisticated […]
Daniel Singleton

Widows and Orphans: a philosophy for action
I often hear asked, “As a person of faith, how do you approach working with people of other faiths?” People generally understand the interest in dialoguing together about faith (aka ‘interfaith’) and they understand that having a faith motivates people to act, to do good, and make a positive difference. But if people hold different […]

Mind the gap! The FaithAction Manifesto 2019
Many of us will be familiar with the signs and announcements on the underground in London, to ‘Mind the gap!’. You can even buy t-shirts with the slogan, as a souvenir of London. When we hear something frequently, we can stop paying attention. In the same way, we are in danger of not paying attention […]

5 million people in the UK – are you next?
There are now 13 local authorities who have adopted the Faith Covenant created by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Faith and Society (of which FaithAction is the secretariat). That means 5 million people are covered by the faith covenant in; Birmingham Leeds Northampshire Barnet Solihull Calderale Southampton Blackpool Essex Brent Wolverhamton Preston Brighton […]

It’s October 31st and this is NOT a blog about Brexit
My team are a cunning bunch and a few weeks back, with the 31st October coming up, they said to me, “How about you write a blog for Brexit day?” Well, I agreed as I was rushing out the office. But, of course, now there is no Brexit to speak of and we still don’t […]

Pushing parents to the front
On Sky News’ The Pledge on the 31st of May 2019, Rachel Johnson–journalist and sister of Boris Johnson–made the surprising admission that, as a parent, she hopes that the school deals with teaching her children about sex and relationships and the dangers of internet porn, rather than having to have those difficult conversations with her […]

The Treaty of Versailles is 100 years old – so what?
The Treaty formally ending the First World War was signed a hundred years ago, on the 28th June 1919. Most school children in the United Kingdom will learn about this event, yet it wasn’t really a long lasting treaty, as much of what it laid out was overturned within 20 years. So what’s the point? […]

It’s right in front of your nose! Faith-based activity in society
At FaithAction, we have an important role in getting behind what you – our members – are doing out in the streets and byways of our nation. This means we offer support by giving advice, channelling funding when we can, providing training and representing you to the public sector, government and politicians. As we are […]

New Britain – how about it?
One day, the current political impasse will be over and our politicians will start lifting their heads from their tightly-wedged positions gazing firmly into their navels. It is, of course, a little unfair to put all the blame on Westminster: it’s not like Parliament is disunited and the rest of the country is at peace […]

When your project burns you out
Are you tired of doing good things? Does it seem like your efforts are never quite enough? Are you worn out by what’s in front of you? I was talking to a friend of mine, trying to suggest to him some different ways of working, when he reacted with, “If I don’t help those kids, […]